Advance Booking Period

Check-in: Sun, Jan 05 2025

Booked on: Sat, Dec 21 2024 (15 days in advance)

2 adults / 1 night / Breakfast included / Review score: Good (7+)

Under $100

country flagcountry flag
USD 41.27
Avg. of 9 properties
country flagcountry flag
USD 44.20
Avg. of 60 properties
country flagcountry flag
Sao Paulo
USD 49.88
Avg. of 60 properties
country flagcountry flag
USD 52.93
Avg. of 60 properties
country flagcountry flag
USD 59.67
Avg. of 60 properties
country flagcountry flag
USD 60.70
Avg. of 22 properties
country flagcountry flag
USD 61.69
Avg. of 20 properties
country flagcountry flag
USD 67.25
Avg. of 60 properties
country flagcountry flag
Mexico City
USD 68.58
Avg. of 37 properties
country flagcountry flag
USD 68.62
Avg. of 12 properties
country flagcountry flag
USD 71.39
Avg. of 60 properties
country flagcountry flag
USD 74.53
Avg. of 41 properties
country flagcountry flag
Buenos Aires
USD 82.79
Avg. of 59 properties
country flagcountry flag
USD 88.49
Avg. of 60 properties
country flagcountry flag
USD 93.38
Avg. of 25 properties
country flagcountry flag
Rio de Janeiro
USD 96.45
Avg. of 56 properties

$101 - $200

country flagcountry flag
Puerto Varas
USD 103.82
Avg. of 4 properties
country flagcountry flag
USD 110.85
Avg. of 30 properties
country flagcountry flag
USD 111.97
Avg. of 60 properties
country flagcountry flag
USD 112.02
Avg. of 55 properties
country flagcountry flag
USD 112.61
Avg. of 60 properties
country flagcountry flag
USD 121.42
Avg. of 60 properties
country flagcountry flag
USD 124.25
Avg. of 60 properties
country flagcountry flag
Cape Town
USD 125.65
Avg. of 8 properties
country flagcountry flag
USD 132.42
Avg. of 13 properties
country flagcountry flag
USD 132.67
Avg. of 60 properties
country flagcountry flag
USD 141.60
Avg. of 60 properties
country flagcountry flag
Los Angeles
USD 145.10
Avg. of 60 properties
country flagcountry flag
USD 148.84
Avg. of 60 properties
country flagcountry flag
USD 149.33
Avg. of 60 properties
country flagcountry flag
Hong Kong
USD 153.38
Avg. of 6 properties
country flagcountry flag
USD 158.35
Avg. of 10 properties
country flagcountry flag
New York City
USD 158.55
Avg. of 52 properties
country flagcountry flag
Las Vegas
USD 162.02
Avg. of 60 properties
country flagcountry flag
USD 177.91
Avg. of 60 properties

Above $200

WorldStayTracker.com allows you to compare average hotel prices in 35 major cities worldwide, with data updated daily.

The averages are calculated from the 60 most popular hotels on Booking.com, the world’s largest hotel booking platform, for each of four combinations: two rating categories (three- and four-star hotels) and two advance booking periods (15 days and two months in advance).

This means that 60 hotel reservations are checked for each of these combinations, resulting in 240 prices registered daily per city. Due to overlap in hotel availability between the 15-day and two-month booking windows, approximately 60 three-star and 60 four-star hotels — 120 hotels in total — are monitored per city.

If a city lists fewer than 60 properties, it means that there are not enough hotels that meet the rating, date, or other criteria (e.g., breakfast included, a minimum review score of 7) or that fewer than 60 hotels have available rooms for the specified check-in date.

When a city has exactly 60 hotels, it indicates that there are likely more than 60 qualifying hotels, with the most popular 60 being selected. Note that popularity is defined by Booking.com and is different from the review score.

Monitoring 120 hotels across 35 cities results in about 4,200 hotels being tracked daily.

By clicking on a city card, you can view a price distribution chart for the hotels included in the average price calculation, along with a list of hotel names, links to their Booking.com pages, review scores, number of reviews, and prices for booking a room with breakfast.

On the Trends page, you can find a line chart showing average prices for each city over time. Filters allow you to select specific cities, ratings, and booking periods for comparison.

The Rating page features a line chart comparing average prices between three- and four-star hotels for a selected city, with filters to adjust the city and booking period.